


What a wonderful word that encompasses everything – all senses, all feelings, internal and external, real and imagined. I have so many art passions, there is no complete listing to be done. In my spare time I try to make moments for the art of painting, appreciating the art of others whether literary, visual, or sound, the awe-inspiring art of nature, and the art of appreciating fellow souls.

Clients and companies I have worked for and with include:

    • Colorado Memory Systems
    • Hewlett-Packard
    • Rocky Mountain Survivor’s Center
    • Southeastern Computer Consultants, Inc.
    • Hydro Venture Partners
    • March of Dimes

    • Lockheed Martin
    • Northrop Grumman
    • MWH Global/Stantec
    • Fojoo Designs/Designs and Codes, LLC
    • The Constantine Group
    • SWCA Environmental Consultants


Cars and bikes are my happy place.

I love cars and motorcycles with a definite lean towards Italian design (although others have also captured my heart over the years). Looking at, talking about, wrenching on, driving/riding – it’s all good!

Sportbikes, sports cars, unusual hatchbacks, late 30s/early 40s era automobiles, late 60s/early 70s muscle…all turn my head, garner conversation, and several have graced my life and driving experiences. 

My current garage is multi-national happiness in glorious, soul-stirring harmony. A short jaunt, a mountain drive, an epic road trip – I am grateful for all the moments!